PUSHTech Grey Background

Grow your business with
beautiful emails.

Design mobile friendly emails with our drag and drop template builder. Send personalized emails to your contacts or create SIEs – Sequences of Interactions and Episodes – based on behavioral data. Trigger follow up emails based on your customers actions and interests.

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PUSHTech Platform Overview
PUSHTech Tracking & Reporting

Template Builder
Create beautiful emails.

With our drag and drop interface easily add images, videos, links and social media pages to your email templates in seconds. Create mobile friendly and responsive emails with no designer, coding or IT required.

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Dynamic Content
The right content for the right person.

Automatically adapts.

With PUSHTech´s dynamic content features each person receives personalized content, boosting engagement and conversion rates. A single campaign will automatically adapt images, texts, links, email address, offers and more. Data is provided from your own systems using our API or from your PUSHTech account.

Master layouts + Dynamic contents.

One layout for unlimited contents. Choose your best template and use dynamic contents that you can design within our platform or bring them from your backend system. Use this feature for creating sequences of emails, more effective followups, training chapters and onboarding funnels, using dynamic and adaptative content for each individual person.

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PUSHTech Realtime Mobile Analytics
PUSHTech Tracking & Reporting

Segmentation & Targets
Maximise open, click and conversion rates.

200+ predefined filters. Unlimited custom events and tags.

Easily segment your audience and contacts by using our 200+ predefined filters. Precisely target your customers using language, location, behaviour, OS platform, engagement states and much more. Create unlimited custom events and tags as per your business logic.

Real-time segmentation.
From all your existing data sources and in real-time including your website, apps, backend, CRM, email campaigns or any other system connected with PUSHTech. Learn how to connect your systems here.

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Automated Sequences
Skyrocket your conversions

Design and automate the delivery of SIEs – Sequence of Interactions and Episodes–. Guide your users and contacts through a serialized narrative personalized by their interactions and behaviours. Your conversions will skyrocket.

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PUSHTech Realtime Mobile Analytics
PUSHTech Tracking & Reporting

Personalization & Tags
Human touch at scale.

Communicate with thousands of contacts without losing the human touch. Create automated campaigns including each individual first name, both in the title of the message and on the body. Add specific data that will speak directly to them. With PUSHTech Tags and Custom Tags create personalized and automated conversation at scale.

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Behaviour & Event Triggers
Funnel Stages, Abandoned Cart, Product Purchases.

Use specific behaviour of your users and contacts for triggering messages, campaigns and email sequences. Automate the delivery of the right information on each stage of their interaction with your business for a better customer experience and a higher conversion rate. Increase effectiveness of your sales funnels, onboarding process and support communications.

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PUSHTech Realtime Mobile Analytics
PUSHTech Tracking & Reporting

Campaign Manager
Take full control.

Configuring marketing campaigns never was so easy. Review historic data, visualize conversions, duplicate contents, save drafts, pause a play your automations, schedule campaigns and collaborate with your team.

Manage Content

Manage and track content across all your customer channels from a single location—to make searching, categorizing, and filtering your content easier than ever.

Seamless Channel Integrations

Use our drag-and-drop functionality to organize content and channel priorities.

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Real-time Activity Monitoring

Visualize in real-time all your users and customers activities within your entire marketing actions or within a specific campaign.

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PUSHTech Realtime Mobile Analytics
PUSHTech Tracking & Reporting

Conversion Tracking
Measurable Outcomes.

Optimise your campaigns and communications by analyzing relevant KPIs and metrics.

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Dynamic Multi-channel Campaigns
Email, Push, SMS.

Reach your users and customers on their prefered channel. With our Dynamic Multi-channel Campaigns you can define more than one channel for reaching your customers. Prioritize your channels with our drag and drop functionality. Welcome new users or send relevant information by a combination of push, email and sms.

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PUSHTech Realtime Mobile Analytics
PUSHTech Tracking & Reporting

Customer Profiling
All your customer data unified

An individual profile that unifies, organise and makes accessible every interaction in between your business and your customer, in every channel. Increase effectiveness of marketing, sales and support tasks with a 360º view of your customer

Audience & Contact Management
Import your existing CRM data with one click, integrate your backend with our API, or directly upload your database from CSV-Excel. Creating a unified view of your relevant customer data, becoming more valuable, useful and accessible for your teams.

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